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Vision & Mission

The Montgomery County Emergency Communication District (MCECD) is a special purpose district authorized and created under Chapter 772 of the State of Texas Health and Safety Code.  MCECD is governed by a Board of Managers.  The board consists of two members appointed by the Montgomery County Commissioner’s Court, two members elected by the cities within the county and one member elected by the fire departments that operate in the county.  The principal provider of telephone service in the county appoints a non-voting member to the board.

Pursuant to the governing statute, the board is charged with governing the district.  The law allows it to adopt any rules necessary for the operation of the district and to contract with any public or private entity.  The board is also required to appoint a director to perform all duties required by the board and supervise the operations of the district within the limitations prescribed by the board.   

MCECD carries out its duties by:

  • Providing and maintaining the hardware, software and connections for a 9-1-1 system for four public safety answering points (PSAPs) in the county and a back-up facility at the county’s Emergency Operations Center.
  • Providing financial support to the two primary PSAPs which, between the two of them, initially answer all 9-1-1 calls and route them to the appropriate PSAP depending upon the nature of the emergency.
  • Maintaining a Geographic Information System (GIS) and a comprehensive database of street names, address ranges, service boundaries and other critical information.
  • Serving as the official addressor for the entire county
  • Providing an early warning communication service
  • Conducting public education for when and how to use the 9-1-1 system
  • Assisting PSAPs in training call-takers and dispatchers in the use of the 9-1-1 system
  • Monitoring and participating in 9-1-1 related regulatory matters at the national and state levelThe board adopts these statements of vision, mission, core values and goals to guide the director in managing the affairs and operations of the district.


Citizens of Montgomery County can easily and quickly obtain the emergency services needed to protect life, health or property.     


Anyone, at any time, from any place within Montgomery County, using any kind of telephone can connect to emergency service providers by dialing 9-1-1.   

Core Values

As public stewards of the trust and the assets of the citizens of Montgomery County, MCECD places high regard on the following values:

  • Conducting affairs and maintaining records as transparently as possible without violating statutory limits on privacy of proprietary and confidential information
  • Treating all citizens equally and respectfully
  • Cooperating and collaborating with the PSAPs, emergency service providers, emergency management personnel and neighboring jurisdictions to improve communications with citizens
  • Continually improving the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of the district’s work efforts
  • Leading within the 9-1-1 community by implementing new (but proven) technology and by developing and following the best practices of the industry
  • Maintaining and protecting district property at the highest possible standards
  • Safeguarding public funds through good internal controls, current policies, long-range financial planning and responsible budgeting